

"check against"是什麼意思?

2018年3月26日 — It means Compare to another copy of the same thing to make sure it is correct · Are you happy with your life? - sorani用庫爾德語要怎麼說?

check against

Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看check against 的谷歌机器翻译。

check against

例句: 英文:Drew a check against my bank balance. 中文:開支票支取自己的銀行結餘. 編号: 43099. 更多.

check againstcheck with

2018年10月29日 — You have checked it against the original document. You use check with when referring to people, that they agree with whatever you are checking ...

check against在線翻譯

例句. Drew a check against my bank balance. 開支票支取自己的銀行結餘. check against的相關 ...

check against翻譯及用法

Compare medication administration record with scheduled medication list. If discrepancies exist, check against original physician orders. 對照用藥記錄與藥物單。

check it against

The phrase check it against is grammatically correct and can be used in written English. It can be used when you want to compare something to a standard ...

checked against - 英中

projecting the amount of waste to be generated from each construction project and this should be checked against the number of chits presented at the landfills.

Chinese Translation of “TO CHECK STH AGAINST STH”

Chinese Translation of “TO CHECK STH AGAINST STH” | The official Collins English-Simplified Dictionary online. Over 100000 Chinese translations of English ...

i check against - 英中

The EPD has conducted investigation to check against any violation under the various pollution control legislation.